Ethel enjoying her Raindrop essential oil treatment. Raindrop Technique integrates massage with essential oils to bring the body into structural and electrical alignment. It uses a sequence of highly anti-microbial essential oils designed to reduce inflammation and kill viral agents.

Jan meets Trevor and Lacey at the adoption kennel. Greyhounds sometimes endure strains or injuries during their racing careers. Like many professional athletes, Lacey has developed arthritis in her back and is significantly more comfortable with regular massage treatments that make her feel young again. Trevor suffered from lumbosacral stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal column, that can lead to paralysis. An integrated regimen of myotherapy, massage, chiropractic and traditional veterinary care gave Trevor a long happy life.

Frankie is a rescued Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with rear limb paralysis.  Massage treatments increased circulation to his rear legs and helped relieve the tension in his neck and shoulders that resulted from propelling himself with his front legs. 

Chaloots was recovering from radiation burns on his leg that were a result of cancer treatment.   Massage was provided to increase circulation and speed healing of his wound.

Cookie after a massage session.
(630) 247-3378